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[时尚] 时间:2024-07-04 23:41:15 来源:赞声不绝网 作者:综合 点击:100次

Introduction of CSGO Bomb Defusal Mode

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive,爆破爆破 abbreviated as CS:GO or CSGO, is a famous first-person shooter video game released in August 2012. In this game, there are two game modes: Hostage Rescue and Bomb Defusal. The Bomb Defusal mode, also known as “bombing”, is an important mode in CSGO, which is more popular among players.

Rules of CSGO Bomb Defusal Mode

In the Bomb Defusal mode, two teams compete against each other, the terrorists and the counter-terrorists. The goal of the terrorists is to plant the bomb in one of the two bomb sites and detonate it before the time runs out. The goal of the counter-terrorists is to defuse the bomb before it blows up. The game starts with one team on the offense and the other team on the defense. The team on the offense must plant the bomb at one of the two designated bomb sites and the team on the defense must stop them from doing so. If the offense successfully plants the bomb and kills all the members of the defense team, they will have won the game. If the defense successfully disarms the bomb, they will have won the game.

Strategies of CSGO Bomb Defusal Mode

The strategies to win the game in CSGO Bomb Defusal mode depend on the team on the offense and defense. The team on the offense should try to use as few players as possible in order to plant the bomb quickly and leave the bomb site without getting killed. The team on the defense should try to spread out around the bomb site so that they can cover all possible angles for the terrorists to plant the bomb. It is also important for the defense team to communicate and coordinate their movements to ensure that no terrorist can sneak in and plant the bomb.

Important Terms & Techniques

In CSGO Bomb Defusal mode, there are several important terms and techniques that players should know. First of all, the “rush” refers to the strategy of quickly rushing into one of the two bomb sites to plant the bomb before the defense team can react. This is a very risky strategy that can lead to the death of all players on the offensive team if they are not careful. Second, “smoke” refers to the technique of using smoke grenades to block the line of sight of the defense team, allowing the offensive team to move around more freely and plant the bomb without being seen.Third, “peeking” refers to the technique of quickly peeking around corners or down hallways to get a quick look at the opponent. This can be a useful technique to get a tactical advantage against an enemy team.Lastly, “nades” is a term used to refer to all types of grenades, such as flashbangs, smoke grenades and incendiary grenades. These are important tools for both the offense and defense team, allowing them to gain a tactical edge over their opponents.


In conclusion, the Bomb Defusal mode in CSGO is an important game mode that requires a great amount of skill and coordination to be successful. Players must be familiar with the strategies and techniques of the game mode in order to win. By understanding the important terms, tactics and strategies of the game, players can become much more effective in the Bomb Defusal game mode.

