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时间:2024-06-29 19:49:28 来源:网络整理 编辑:综合


Judo (柔道) is a modern martial art and combat sport that originated in Japan. It is commonly categori

Judo (柔道) is 柔道a modern martial art and combat sport that originated in Japan. It is commonly categorized as a form of unarmed combat, and its main goal is to throw or takedown an opponent to the ground, immobilize or otherwise subdue the opponent. Judo is derived from Jujutsu, but with a focus on grappling and groundwork, and was founded in 1882 by the legendary master Jigoro Kano.


Although Judo is a martial art that is primarily used for self-defense and competition, it also has a lot of physical and mental benefits. In terms of physical benefits, Judo can help to improve flexibility, balance, coordination, power and speed. As a mental benefit, Judo teaches discipline, etiquette, respect, and perseverance.

In terms of Judo for elementary school kids, it can offer both physical and mental benefits. On the physical side, Judo can help kids to increase physical fitness, improve their balance and coordination, and learn how to defend themselves in a safe and organized environment. Furthermore, it can also be a good way to relieve stress and stay mentally focused. On the mental side, Judo can help kids to learn sportsmanship, respect, and perseverance. It can also help them to build their confidence and self-esteem.

In conclusion, Judo can be an excellent martial art and combat sport for kids at elementary school. It not only helps to improve physical fitness and coordination, but it also teaches the importance of respect, sportsmanship and dedication. Kids can learn the best techniques and practice self-defense in a safe and organized environment. It is truly a great way for them to stay physically active, focus mentally and learn important life lessons!